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Cohen Plea Deal Exposes Repeated False Claims

Cohen Plea Deal Exposes Repeated False Claims

For many months, President Donald Trump, his White House staff and his personal attorneys, Michael Cohen and Rudy Giuliani, repeatedly made false, misleading and contradictory statements about illegal payments that were made during the 2016 campaign to silence two women who claimed to have extramarital affairs with Trump.

Giuliani Misleads on Trump Tower Meeting

Giuliani Misleads on Trump Tower Meeting

Rudy Giuliani falsely claimed that when Donald Trump Jr. and other Trump campaign officials agreed to meet Natalia Veselnitskaya at Trump Tower in June 2016 “they didn’t know she was a representative of the Russian government.”

Trump Tower, Collusion and the Law

Trump Tower, Collusion and the Law

In a recent tweet, President Donald Trump said the Trump Tower meeting was “to get information on an opponent” and was “totally legal and done all the time in politics.” Some legal experts disagree.

A Timeline of Trump Tower Meeting Responses

A Timeline of Trump Tower Meeting Responses

In a recently disclosed letter, President Donald Trump’s attorneys said the president “dictated” his son’s statement to the New York Times about a June 2016 meeting between top Trump campaign aides and a Russian lawyer. That contradicts earlier claims by Trump’s representatives.

Giuliani on Prosecuting Hillary Clinton

Giuliani on Prosecuting Hillary Clinton

In making the case for prosecuting Hillary Clinton, Rudy Giuliani falsely claimed that Martha Stewart was prosecuted “for one count of lying to the FBI.” Stewart was convicted on four counts of obstructing justice and lying to investigators.

Spinning Trump’s Taxes

Spinning Trump’s Taxes

Donald Trump’s top surrogates took to the Sunday talk shows to put the best spin on a New York Times story about the GOP presidential nominee reporting a loss of $916 million on his personal income taxes in 1995.

IRS, Benghazi and Accountability

IRS, Benghazi and Accountability

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani praised New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie for holding “people accountable who were responsible” for the “stupid” bridge lane closings — adding that’s something President Barack Obama “failed to do with Benghazi” and “failed to do with the IRS.”

Giuliani and the Lessons of Fort Hood

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani went beyond the boundaries of what investigators have reported on Sunday when he said the suspect in the 2009 Fort Hood shootings indicated "a desire to participate in jihad" three years before the attack. It is still not clear what the Army knew – and when – about the political views of Maj. Nidal Hasan, or how it failed to identify him as a potential internal threat before the attack that killed 13 people and wounded dozens.

Bogus Claims in Boca

In last night's debate, held days before Tuesday's Republican primary in the Sunshine State, the remaining GOP candidates came up with a few new factual distortions and repeated several old ones. Among them:

McCain said he had won the Republican vote in both the South Carolina and New Hampshire primaries, where independent voters also participate. One exit poll showed him narrowly prevailing with Republicans in New Hampshire, while another didn’t. And the same poll that favored him in that state had him losing the GOP vote to Huckabee in South Carolina.