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The Whistleblower Complaint Timeline

The Whistleblower Complaint Timeline

Here we list some of the key dates in the fast-moving, still-unfolding story on the whistleblower complaint, and the subsequent impeachment inquiry and the impeachment of President Donald Trump.

Trump Wrong on European Aid to Ukraine

Trump Wrong on European Aid to Ukraine

President Donald Trump wrongly said that “Europe and other nations” were “not” contributing to Ukraine, specifically calling for Germany and France to “put up money.” In fact, the European Union and European financial institutions have contributed more than $16.4 billion in grants and loans to Ukraine since 2014.

Trump Twists Facts on Biden and Ukraine

Trump Twists Facts on Biden and Ukraine

President Donald Trump once again twisted the facts to claim that Joe Biden, as vice president, threatened to withhold “billions of dollars to Ukraine” unless it removed the prosecutor general who “was prosecuting” Biden’s son, Hunter.