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Trump Misleads Rallygoers on IG Report, Impeachment

Trump Misleads Rallygoers on IG Report, Impeachment

During his first campaign rally after Democrats announced two articles of impeachment and the Justice Department inspector general released a report on the FBI’s Russia investigation, President Donald Trump distorted the facts on both topics.

Zelensky’s Remarks About Trump, In Context

Zelensky’s Remarks About Trump, In Context

President Donald Trump said the impeachment inquiry should be “case over” because Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky told reporters “very strongly that President Trump did absolutely nothing wrong.” But that’s not what Zelensky said.

Trump Misquotes Pelosi

Trump Misquotes Pelosi

In an early morning tweet, President Donald Trump falsely attributed a quote to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The quote was actually a Fox News reporter’s characterization of Pelosi’s words. Trump then distorted what she actually said.

Scalise Spins Facts on Security Aid

Scalise Spins Facts on Security Aid

Rep. Steve Scalise spun two keys facts about Ukrainian aid to defend President Donald Trump against accusations that Trump withheld that aid to pressure Ukraine to investigate the alleged Ukraine interference in the 2016 U.S. election, as well as former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.

Blowing the Whistle on a Misinforming Meme

Blowing the Whistle on a Misinforming Meme

Memes circulating widely on social media misidentify a former White House staffer as the whistleblower who touched off the impeachment inquiry into President Trump.

Trump Twists Impeachment Polls

Trump Twists Impeachment Polls

A number of national polls show more Americans want President Donald Trump impeached and removed from office than those who don’t. In swing states, however, a majority opposes removing Trump from office via impeachment, even as a majority supports moving forward with the impeachment inquiry.

What We’ve Learned From Impeachment Inquiry

What We’ve Learned From Impeachment Inquiry

President Donald Trump repeatedly has said his July 25 phone call with the Ukrainian president was “perfect,” and a simple reading of the “transcript” is all that’s needed to evaluate the impeachment probe. But congressional testimony has revealed key pieces of information beyond that conversation.

Mulvaney’s Spin on Ukraine Aid

Mulvaney’s Spin on Ukraine Aid

White House Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney engaged in some serious political spin when he tried to deny what he said in a televised press conference: that the White House withheld security aid to Ukraine, in part, because the administration wanted Ukraine to investigate Democrats and the 2016 election.