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Perry Misses Point on Texas CO2 Cuts

Perry Misses Point on Texas CO2 Cuts

Rick Perry said carbon dioxide emissions in Texas were down because of “incentive-based regulation” during his time as governor. But the evidence shows a decline in manufacturing jobs and federal policies are more likely to be the cause of the reduction.

FactChecking CPAC

FactChecking CPAC

A parade of potential Republican presidential candidates took turns at delivering speeches and answering questions at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference that started on Feb. 26. Along the way there were some distortions of facts.

A Tale of Two Jobs Numbers

A Tale of Two Jobs Numbers

Rick Perry, in his last official speech as Texas governor, mixed and matched jobs data to embellish the state’s job gains.

Rick Perry’s Talking Point on Defense Cuts

Rick Perry’s Talking Point on Defense Cuts

Rick Perry says the U.S. is at risk because “our spending on defense has declined 21 percent over four years.” But that includes war funding, which has sharply declined now that U.S. combat troops are out of Iraq and leaving Afghanistan.

Rick Perry Misuses ‘Criminal Alien’ Data

Rick Perry Misuses ‘Criminal Alien’ Data

In discussing his decision to send the National Guard to the Mexico border, Texas Gov. Rick Perry repeatedly has misused data on “criminal aliens” arrested in Texas.

Perry Misleads on Jobs

Perry Misleads on Jobs

Texas Gov. Rick Perry used grossly misleading statistics to criticize the unemployment picture under President Obama. Perry said there are “90 million people that are out of work” and “more women out of the workforce now than at any time in our history.”

Chained Explained

Chained Explained

Using a more accurate cost-of-living adjustment for federal benefit payments and tax brackets would cut the federal deficit by perhaps $300 billion over the next 10 years. But it faces opposition from both right and left. Economists generally agree …