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Gillibrand’s Inaccurate Equal Pay Claim

Gillibrand’s Inaccurate Equal Pay Claim

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand was wrong when she said it took until April 2 of this year for a female worker to “earn the same as a white man doing the same job” did in 2018.

Social Posts Spin Sanders Photo

Social Posts Spin Sanders Photo

A viral hoax claims that Sen. Bernie Sanders was arrested in 1963 for “throwing eggs” at black civil rights protesters. He was arrested while protesting on behalf of civil rights.

FactChecking Sanders’ CNN Town Hall

FactChecking Sanders’ CNN Town Hall

In a televised town hall, newly announced presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders repeated several misleading claims that we have written about in the past.

Kamala Harris Mistweet on ‘Tax Hike’

Kamala Harris Mistweet on ‘Tax Hike’

Sen. Kamala Harris, a declared candidate for president, cited preliminary IRS tax refund data for 2018 to criticize the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act as “a middle-class tax hike.” That’s a misreading of the data.

Sanders’ ‘Fact-Check’ Video Distorts Facts

Sanders’ ‘Fact-Check’ Video Distorts Facts

A “fact-check” video posted on Sen. Bernie Sanders’ official social media accounts misrepresents employment data in an attempt to prove President Donald Trump “wrong” about the economy. The data actually show employment continues to improve under Trump.

Harris’ Campaign Kickoff Claims

Harris’ Campaign Kickoff Claims

Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris made a few false and misleading claims in two events that kicked off her 2020 presidential campaign.

Are Trump 2020 Banners Made in China?

Are Trump 2020 Banners Made in China?

Q: Are campaign banners for President Trump’s reelection campaign being made in China?

A: News reports have documented Trump 2020 flags being produced in China, but it’s unclear who ordered those. The campaign says that “all of our merchandise is 100% made in the USA.”

Rhode Island Tax Returns Bill Didn’t Pass

Rhode Island Tax Returns Bill Didn’t Pass

Q: Did Rhode Island pass a bill “to keep Trump off the 2020 ballot”?

A: No. Only one chamber passed a bill to require presidential candidates to disclose their federal tax returns.