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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Cherry-Picking Collins’ Prescription Drug Votes

Cherry-Picking Collins’ Prescription Drug Votes

A Democratic TV ad attacks Sen. Susan Collins for voting twice “to allow drug companies to keep cheaper generic drugs off the market,” but omits the fact that Collins has supported bills intended to increase generic-drug competition and lower prescription costs.

False Headline on a Hot Topic

False Headline on a Hot Topic

Q: Did Democrats in Maine legalize female genital mutilation?

A: No. That practice is illegal across the U.S.

Loco for Local in Maine

Loco for Local in Maine

It may be true that all politics is local, but in Maine the contenders in a Republican congressional primary are positively wallowing in locality — while making dubious claims about each other’s address.

NextGen Climate Action

A liberal super PAC founded by San Francisco billionaire and climate-change activist Tom Steyer that focuses on environmental issues.