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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Can You Change Your Vote? Probably Not.

Can You Change Your Vote? Probably Not.

Q: Can people who cast their ballots in early voting change their vote?

A: In most states, no. By our count, there are eight states that specifically allow for early voters to change their votes.  

Kamala Harris, Honest Abe and the Supreme Court

Kamala Harris, Honest Abe and the Supreme Court

Q: Was Sen. Kamala Harris’ story at the vice presidential debate about President Abraham Lincoln’s 1864 Supreme Court vacancy correct?

A: There’s no evidence that Lincoln said he delayed the nomination to let voters choose the next president, as Harris said.  

Video Manipulated to Show Biden Asleep

Video Manipulated to Show Biden Asleep

Q: Does a video shared on social media show Joe Biden sleeping during a live television interview?

A: No. The video was manipulated to make it appear that he had fallen asleep.

Hospital Payments and the COVID-19 Death Count

Hospital Payments and the COVID-19 Death Count

Q: Are hospitals inflating the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths so they can be paid more?
A: Recent legislation pays hospitals higher Medicare rates for COVID-19 patients and treatment, but there is no evidence of fraudulent reporting.

No Evidence to Back COVID-19 Ibuprofen Concerns

No Evidence to Back COVID-19 Ibuprofen Concerns

Q: Does ibuprofen make COVID-19 worse?

A: There is no evidence that ibuprofen or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can make COVID-19 cases more severe. You should consult your doctor before changing medications.

Pelosi, a Ripped Speech, and the Records Debate

Pelosi, a Ripped Speech, and the Records Debate

Q: Did House Speaker Nancy Pelosi break the law by ripping up the president’s State of the Union address?

A: Legal experts have widely dismissed the idea that Pelosi’s copy of the address would be subject to a criminal statute cited by some conservatives.

Did Obama Fire All Bush-Appointed Ambassadors?

Did Obama Fire All Bush-Appointed Ambassadors?

Q: Did President Barack Obama immediately fire all Bush-appointed ambassadors “the day he was elected office”?
A: No. As is the custom, Obama immediately replaced most — not all — of Bush’s politically appointed ambassadors. Obama did not remove any of the career appointees to ambassadorships.

The Facts on Mental Illness and Mass Shootings

The Facts on Mental Illness and Mass Shootings

Q: Do people with serious mental health disorders pose a greater risk of becoming mass shooters?
A: People with mental illnesses are somewhat more likely to be violent than those without a diagnosis. But a majority are never violent, and very little is known specifically about mass murder.

Trump’s History of Hurricane Relief Donations

Trump’s History of Hurricane Relief Donations

Q: Did President Donald Trump donate $1 million to hurricane relief efforts in the Bahamas?

A: Despite social media claims to the contrary, there is no evidence of such a donation. He did, however, donate to relief efforts in 2017 after Hurricane Harvey. 

Post Misleads on Congressional Salaries, Social Security

Post Misleads on Congressional Salaries, Social Security

Q: Did members of Congress approve a salary increase for themselves and deny an increase in Social Security benefits? 

A: No. Congress is still contemplating whether to allow an automatic pay increase for its members, and it does not determine cost-of-living adjustments for Social Security beneficiaries.