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FactChecking Trump’s CNN Town Hall

FactChecking Trump’s CNN Town Hall

Former President Donald Trump’s town hall event felt like a lightning round of false and misleading claims — most of which we’ve heard before — on voter fraud, immigration, classified documents and more.

Hot Air Over Gas Stoves

Hot Air Over Gas Stoves

The Biden administration is not planning to ban gas stoves. But comments from a commissioner on the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission about gas stoves being a “hidden hazard” and that “products that can’t be made safe can be banned” provided just enough fuel for some politicians to stoke fear and outrage.

FactChecking the House Speaker Election

FactChecking the House Speaker Election

There were some factual missteps in several nominating speeches by lawmakers as Rep. Kevin McCarthy repeatedly fell short of the votes needed to become speaker of the House.

Strategic Petroleum Reserve Oil Stocks Declined Under Trump, Contrary to His Claim

Strategic Petroleum Reserve Oil Stocks Declined Under Trump, Contrary to His Claim

The U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve was set up in the 1970s as an emergency source of oil in the event of unexpected supply disruptions. When Donald Trump took office as president in January 2017, the reserve held 695.1 million barrels of crude oil. The last full week before he left office in January 2021, it held 638.1 million barrels, or about 8% less.

Examining U.S. ‘Energy Independence’ Claims

Examining U.S. ‘Energy Independence’ Claims

When politicians say that the United States was “energy independent” under former President Donald Trump, some people may get the false impression that the U.S. was 100% self-sufficient. The country still relied on foreign sources of energy, including oil.

FactChecking Trump’s Farewell Remarks

FactChecking Trump’s Farewell Remarks

In a video farewell address on Jan. 19 and in remarks at Joint Base Andrews before leaving for Florida on Jan. 20, outgoing President Donald Trump distorted the facts on the economy, his tax cuts, veterans, the military, drug prices and more.

Trump’s Misleading Attacks on Biden Over Fracking

Trump’s Misleading Attacks on Biden Over Fracking

President Trump and his allies continue to ignore Joe Biden’s written plan to only prohibit permits for new oil and gas drilling on federal land and waters. That plan would allow for extraction methods to continue under existing permits and in nonfederal areas.

Trump on the Stump

Trump on the Stump

We identified 46 false and misleading claims Trump made in six stump speeches from Oct. 12 to Oct. 16.